Defence of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.
Defence of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.
Asociación por la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres migrantes que trabajan en el sector del cuidado y del hogar.
It was set up in Cordoba in December 1992 to attend to, encourage and promote patients affected by spondylitis in different social activities and in the family environment.
It was set up on 18 May 1993, always with the support of the medical team of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville. There was a need among liver transplant recipients to create a space t...
Nace como respuesta a la necesidad de participación e integración de la población inmigrante y la población de acogida, a través de la iniciativa de diferentes personas de origen multicultural sensibi...
For the prevention and promotion of the most disadvantaged groups at risk of social exclusion, vulnerable groups, with preferential action on children, young people, women and immigrants and people wi...
Promotes people's participation.
Carries out awareness, information and prevention campaigns about the disease.
It represents, welcomes and supports patients and their families, defending their rights and contributing to the improvement of their quality of life.
In the entity you will find different spaces and...
The Andalucía Acoge Federation was founded in 1991 to provide a more effective and comprehensive response to the then incipient phenomenon of immigration, and has set itself the fundamental objective ...
Intervention in Settlements and Shantytowns, Job Training and Pre-training, Job Search, Legal Advice, Voluntary Return to country of origin, Attention to Victims of Discrimination, and Attention to Vi...
El mapa andaluz de la solidaridad donde puedes geolocalizar servicios y recursos que ofrecen
las ONGs andaluzas para colectivos vulnerables, disponible en 4 idiomas. Una apuesta para
impulsar una atención social territorializada, sostenible, equilibrada y de proximidad.
¡Por un acceso a los servicios equitativo para todas las personas que facilite la integración!
Contact us if you are an entity and believe you should be in this directory.