Profile of ACCEM

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Spanish Catholic Migration Commission Association

Defence of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.



Description of the services: Comprehensive care for refugees. Legal and social care and reception, continuing with psychological care and the whole set of actions for social and labour insertion. It responds to the need for accommodation and maintenance, specialised legal assistance, translation of documents and simultaneous interpretation, support or difficulties in accessing the ordinary system of social protection. The main objective is to favour people's autonomy and guarantee the coverage of their basic needs, Accem's psychological care service provides specialised support to all those applicants or beneficiaries of international and/or temporary protection who express this need. It provides courses in Spanish and socio-cultural knowledge. They offer integration into the labour market. Unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents. They work with them to guarantee their protection, offering them comprehensive care and support. Care for victims of human trafficking They support victims in their personal recovery and social reintegration process, as well as developing training and awareness-raising actions to strengthen the fight against human trafficking at all levels. People suffering from homelessness: It works for training and labour insertion with street intervention programmes and devices to attend to the most urgent needs of people in street situations and reduce the damage caused by social exclusion. Attention to basic needs: We have projects to help meet the most urgent and basic needs of people living in poverty, such as food, clothing and hygiene. However, we always work with the perspective of offering comprehensive care aimed at the recovery and autonomy of the person. Work in settlements: They help people who live in settlements to access or maintain housing. Training School: Professional improvement of all the people interested in care and reception. Inclusive projects in schools, neighbourhoods and multicultural companies.

Comprehensive care for refugees.

Legal and social care and reception, continuing with psychological care and the whole set of actions for social and labour insertion. It responds to the need for accommodation and maintenance, specialised legal assistance, translation of documents and simultaneous interpretation, support or difficulties in accessing the ordinary system of social protection. The main objective is to favour people's autonomy and guarantee the coverage of their basic needs, Accem's psychological care service provides specialised support to all those applicants or beneficiaries of international and/or temporary protection who express this need. It provides courses in Spanish and socio-cultural knowledge. They offer integration into the labour market.

Unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents.

They work with them to guarantee their protection, offering them comprehensive care and support. Care for victims of human trafficking

They support victims in their personal recovery and social reintegration process, as well as developing training and awareness-raising actions to strengthen the fight against human trafficking at all levels.

People suffering from homelessness: It works for training and labour insertion with street intervention programmes and devices to attend to the most urgent needs of people in street situations and reduce the damage caused by social exclusion.

Attention to basic needs: We have projects to help meet the most urgent and basic needs of people living in poverty, such as food, clothing and hygiene. However, we always work with the perspective of offering comprehensive care aimed at the recovery and autonomy of the person.

Work in settlements: They help people who live in settlements to access or maintain housing.

Training School: Professional improvement of all the people interested in care and reception.

Inclusive projects in schools, neighbourhoods and multicultural companies.

Work Areas

Contact Information

Main headquarters address

calle del Amor, 6 - 4005 Almería, Almería



Other Headquarters

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